Hotline: +1(415)4291772

Mon - Fri 8am to 6pm

Sat - Sun 12pm to 6pm

SMSVend Pricing

Our Pricing

Our pricing system is simple: the more you buy, the more units you get... and there is no maximum limit to the number of units you can purchase at any time. We have two plans for you to choose from

1. Pay-As-You-Use plan

Our pay-As-You-Use plan are charged on a unit basis and are billed as follows

Number of Units Unit Price Min Payment - Max Payment
1,000 to 99,999 Units $0.006700 $6.7 - $670
100,000 to 999,999 Units $0.006500 $650 - $6,500
1,000,000 to 9,999,999 Units $0.006300 $6,300 - $63,000

Price Calculator

You can calculate your SMS units for any amount and get instant credit if you pay online with your ATM, credit, or debit card.